3 reasons your fitness regime isn't working (yet)
Nov 22, 2022Reason number 1 - No clear goals
It may sound simple but you would be surprised at how many people fail at this first hurdle. Being clear about what your goals are when it comes to improving your wellbeing is crucial – and so is being able to measure them.
Whether it’s fat loss, completing your first triathlon, walking 10,000 steps every day, learning how to do pull-ups... the list goes on. Make sure your goals are important to you – but also that they are achievable and measurable so you can check in on your progress monthly.
Reason number 2 - You’re confused (and it’s not your fault)
There is so much health and wellness advice out there that it can be overwhelming. Not being crystal clear on how exactly to achieve your goals is another area where many people fall down.
This is where a personal trainer can really help to elevate your training. Investing in expert advice will mean that you have a programme specifically tailored to you. A PT will also keep you accountable and make sure that you are staying on track, while providing ongoing guidance on form, nutrition and your wider lifestyle.
Reason number 3 - You’re not taking care of yourself
Working out consistently four days a week is all good and well, but if your diet isn’t balanced, you’re not getting enough sleep or you’re constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed then you won’t see the results that you expect.
Focusing on all areas of your lifestyle will reap rewards and help you reach your goals more quickly. I recommend keeping a journal of your steps, nutrition, sleep and stress levels to identify the areas that may need addressing.
And don’t forget...
Exercise should be fun and not a chore. Whatever you choose to do make sure that you enjoy it – whether that’s joining a sports team, dance classes, open water swimming or working out in a community-focused environment, you should look forward to every session.
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